This may be of interest. It sounds ambitious, useful, & enjoyable.
Ongoing writing workshops and language classes in Olympia, Washington, as part of the Olympia Writing Center will begin August 3 of this year! Modeled as one-third Seattle's Hugo House, one-third Port Townsend Writers' Conference (think Birkenstock-and-Volvo vibe), and one-third cross-cultural pollination of the kind Kahini is famous for, the Olympia Writing Center will offer evening and Saturday courses in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, cross-genre work, and language acquisition, as well as hosting a vibrant readings and performances scene. A major part of this Center will be providing free English-language courses, resume-writing, job interviewing skills, and many other aspects of the writing life for refugee, migrant, and marginalized communities. While many people are stepping up to offer their skills, if you have skills in this area and are willing to teach them in the Olympia area, please get in touch. A key aspect of this Center will also be the inclusion of the tremendous diversity of Latin-American voices, cultures, and rich literary traditions of Latin America from the U.S. to México to Chile, as faculty and participants. In addition, thanks to strong relationships with Native Puget Sound communities, many workshops, performances, and other events will be planned, staffed, and guided by Native faculty. Stay tuned for more information! To accomplish all this, we at Kahini are spending the next three months building the infrastructure for this Center. Offices are donating furniture, local bookstores are donating their classroom space and over 50 people have now made significant donations. Please consider joining us by becoming a member--even if you don't live in the Olympia area, your assistance transforms lives through the art of creative writing. Thanks for all you do!   Jordan Hartt 360-531-1472  |
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Jordan canceled this conference twice for me, and asked me for more money, then never refunded me, then ghosted me. He still owes me $3,000.