-Children's picture book THE CHRISTMAS PRINCESS is now available! Teacher and author Jeff Bloom wrote it with his granddaughter, who was four years old at the time. Jeff is a member of the Kamloops [BC]-based Interior Authors Group, and has for several years served as the group's secretary. Details at jeffbloombooks.com
-Poetry Ireland Review's mission is to connect people and poetry. They invite submissions of poetry, also proposals for articles and reviews. Here are their guidelines: https://www.poetryireland.ie/writers/submission-to-pir
-Author Meg LaTorre giving LOTS of info on using YouTube to promote your writing. It's a bit overwhelming, but you can choose what may work for you and slide over the rest. https://www.thecreativepenn.com/.../16/youtube-for-authors/
-How can writers catch readers' attention? Ideas in this series of 5 short YouTube videos: https://tinyurl.com/y4qkccsz
-Nature Friend is a "creation-based monthly magazine for children." It invites submissions of stories and articles, paying for those published. The guidelines give lots of helpful advice on how to write well. They also explain the magazine's position regarding God, creation, and nature. They don't require every submission to reflect these beliefs in a specific way. Here are the guidelines: https://www.naturefriendmagazine.com/index.pl?linkid=12;class=gen
-Muse Magazine is a discovery magazine for children and teens. It takes intellectual curiosity seriously, while never taking itself too seriously. The editors seek fresh and entertaining articles from the fields of science, technology, engineering, art, and math. Each issue has a theme. For Sept 2021 issue: Layers of Meaning; deadline January 15, 2021. For Oct 2021 issue: Science of fear; deadline Feb 15, 2021. For Nov/Dec 2021 issue: Colors and Art Therapy. Deadline March 15, 2021. Detailed guidelines here. https://cricketmag.submittable.com/submit/58980/muse-magazine-for-ages-914-science-nonfiction
-Chicken Soup for the Soul has an ongoing need for poems and true stories under 1,200 words. Chicken Soup stories are written in the first person and often close with a punch, creating emotion, rather than simply talking about it. As usual, Chicken Soup is calling for submissions for numerous anthologies. Here are a few:
I'm Speaking Now: Black Women Share Their Truth in 101 Stories of Love, Courage and Hope: Deadline: Jan 15, 2021.
Eldercare: We are looking for true stories that show our readers how lives and relationships change when eldercare becomes necessary. They will provide practical advice, encouragement, insight and support.
Preteens: Callout for writers under age 35. Twenty new stories required for a 20th anniversary edition of Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul. "We're looking for everything, from serious to silly. What was your experience like as a preteen? Did you fit in with the popular crowd, or were you left behind to eat your peanut butter and jelly in the library? What kind of humorous or embarrassing things happened to you when you were that age?" Deadline Jan 15, 2021."
Other upcoming anthologies, include Angels, Cats, Christmas Stories, Counting Your Blessings, and Tough Times.
See details here: https://www.chickensoup.com/story-submissions/story-guidelines