From conference coordinator Kathy:

May 22, 2018
The time is coming! In just TWO WEEKS, #SiWC18 registration opens. Have you marked your calendars and set your reminders? Wednesday, June 6 at NOON Pacific, we open the doors at www.siwc.ca/registration.
Last year, we were 50% sold out in the first 24 hours. Please plan to register early so you won't be disappointed.
You'll now find all sorts of helpful information up on our site. Presenter bios are there, as are master class and workshop schedules. When I was uploading the workshop information, I kept wishing I could attend absolutely everything, so I hope you'll be just as excited when you check it out. I can't wait! We've got workshops on writing craft and business, screenwriting, poetry, fiction and non-fiction, and more.
It's been a busy spring here at SiWC Central. As well as planning this year's conference, we took a bit of time out for SiWC at Sea. A great time was had by all. Much writing and learning got done, and attendees got to fill the well in the sunshine. The overwhelming response was that we must do it again. And you know, we do take attendee suggestions to heart... stay tuned for that possibility in the future! You can see some of the pictures from our adventure on our Facebook page here: Surrey International Writers' Conference (SiWC)
But first, #SiWC18 is coming up fast, and we hope to see all of you there.
A few registration tips and answers to registration FAQs:
· You must register for individual master classes and your registration package, but not individual workshops. You're welcome to attend any session that interests you on the day(s) for which you're registered.
· If you haven't already booked the hotel, do it soon! It's almost sold out for some of our nights already. You can book on our site on the venue page or directly with the hotel. Once the Sheraton is sold out, the closest alternative hotel, a couple of blocks down, is the Sandman Suites.
· Our agents and editors all take pitch appointments, and most of the rest of our presenter roster takes blue pencil.
· If you plan to pitch, read the bios on our site, but also check out agent and publisher websites to find the best fits for you. Make a list of a few in case your first choice's appointments are full when you register.
· You may think you have a dream agent, but much like the dream date, "perfect on paper" doesn't mean anything unless their way of working matches yours and they love your work. Be open to new possibilities!
· You can sign up for one pitch and one blue pencil appointment at the time of registration, if you want to use them. If pitching and getting feedback are your priority, there will be information in the packet when you arrive at the conference about when and where you can line up for additional appointments on a first-come, first-serve basis, subject to availability. We never charge for appointments at SiWC.
As always, we have ad space available in our conference brochure. If you'd like to have your business or your book featured there, please contact Crystal at crystals@siwc.ca.
Are you a local writer hoping to get a space at our public book signing on the Saturday night of SiWC? We now have a form to get you added to the waiting list. You can find that here:
Looking forward to seeing you in October. In the meantime, we're here for questions anytime. You can email our administrator Jen for registration-related issues at registration@siwc.ca, and I'm always here to help with other questions, too, at kathychung@siwc.ca.
More soon!

Kathy Chung
SiWC Conference Coordinator
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Surrey International Writers' Conference Society
Suite #544 | 151-10090 152nd St | Surrey BC V3R 8X8 | Canada