Wednesday, November 6, 2013

real people & events: how much to reveal in a book

It’s tricky for book authors to know how much information they can reveal about real people and events without stepping over privacy boundaries and getting into trouble. As the following case suggests, it's probably best to consider possible results and err on the side of caution.

The Associated Press | Nov 05, 2013

A judge in Puerto Rico has ordered a private detective to pay $575,000 in damages to a family after publishing a book about a high-profile killing of an 8-year-old boy. The ruling accused Milton Rodriguez Rivera of violating the privacy clause of an $8,500 deal he had made with Ana Cacho and her family to investigate the March 2010 killing of Cacho's son. The book contained excerpts of interviews that Rodriguez had with Cacho, her relatives, police officials and others. Cacho said in court documents that people thought she was involved in the killing as a result of the book.


Elma Schemenauer, author of 75 books published in Canada and the USA, editor of many more,,,


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