Tuesday, December 16, 2014

SUNFLOWERS endorsement & free 1st chapter critique

Robert L. Bacon, who runs a professional editorial service, wrote the following encouraging endorsement of my novel CONSIDER THE SUNFLOWERS. Note that Robert offers a free first-chapter critique. Details are on his website, www.theperfectwrite.com .  


It's with great pride that I showcase longtime Newsletter subscriber and supporter Elma Schemenauer's book CONSIDER THE SUNFLOWERS. Anyone who has ever struggled with the proper blend of interior monologue with dialogue can turn to any page in her narrative to witness a master at work in this regard. It requires enormous skill to not design the correct mix and also refrain from redundancy. You'll see in Elma's work that her interior monologue is always written with purpose. I'm going to write an article on interior monologue with purpose in an upcoming Newsletter, it's this important. I read a great deal of otherwise fine writing that desperately lacks the fabric which quality interior monologue provides. (I want to be certain to clarify what I mean by interior monologue. I'm referring to exposition and not stream-of-conscious ness text that is sometimes referred to as interior monologue).

Well-crafted interior monologue can be utilized to present backstory, which is often overlooked when discussing flashback techniques, as dialogue is generally cited--and not what's directly contiguous to the speech runs. Any subscriber taking the time to parse Elma's text will quickly discover that she uses interior monologue to assist both her story's pacing and the pitch of her scenes. For most writers, even experienced ones, the boundary for too much, or not enough, foreshadowing is a constant battle. In my opinion, Elma's story is a perfect blend, and it's a wonderful teaching medium related to this enormously important aspect of professional writing. And, frankly, it's one element I always look at when reviewing a draft for editing, as the use of interior monologue clearly differentiates writing skill levels.


Elma Schemenauer CONSIDER THE SUNFLOWERS: 1940s-era novel about love, Mennonites, faith, & betrayal.  Info at http://elmams.wix.com/sflwrs   Order from Chapters online http://tinyurl.com/nsylp5j or Borealis Press http://tinyurl.com/lfdo9pf


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